Sunday, May 11, 2014

5.11.14 In-Class

Quick Refresher on In-Text Citations and Reference List

Preview Wednesday's Vocal Analysis Assignment

  • Installing the Vocal Analysis Platform here

Individual Writing Prep for Alcoff Discussion

  • What is the ethical dilemma of speaking for others, according to Alcoff?
  • What are the typical responses to the dilemma that Alcoff thinks are inadequate and why?
  • What does Alcoff mean by this quote: “there is no neutral place to stand free and clear in which one’s words do not ... affect … the experience of others... Even a complete retreat from speech is of course not neutral since it allows the continued dominance of current discourses and acts by omission to reinforce their dominance” (20)
  • What are her four considerations, and how would you use them in your final project? Give specific examples (a good way to connect Alcoff’s theory to relatable practice is to re-read the “discussion” section at the end of the blog post)
Group Exercise
Key Terms - each group gets one term to come up with a plain speak definition for, and give an example of how it applies to the upcoming final project
  • Crisis of representation - No one's true self can be encompassed in a label that will match all interpretations of said label.
  • Rituals of speaking - What you say, how you say it, where you say it, who's it about and how it all relates to each other.
  • Discursive context - What you say must be related to history and current context so that your audience can fully grasp whatever you're speaking about. All speech is situated within history, culture, social influences and audiences.
  • Charge of reductionism response - No one can ever know the actual experience of other, only that of oneself, and therefore any attempt to try is futile.
  • Retreat response - You only can speak on behalf of yourself and be narrow minded, therefore you retreat from those practices and don't speak at all.
  • *Speaking to - A speech act that dictates that the speaker neither gives up an attempt to understand others' experiences, nor assumes that his/her understanding of these issues is infallible or representative of the "truth" - the courage to speak with an invitation to be responded to and even corrected.
  • Hierarchy of civilizations - The idea that Western civilizations are powerful and more important than cultures and civilizations that do not fit into this groups.
  • *Genealogy - How a position or view has been shaped by previous or current existing practices - or perhaps challenges those practices.
    • *indicates a key term that I (instructor) will present

Presentation of a successful advocacy video/campaign: each group will find a video that represents a successful approach to speaking on issues that affect others. As a group, please present:
  • What the issue is
  • Who is speaking (an individual or an organization)
  • Where/what context the speech takes place
  • Why you think it is successful

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