Sunday, April 20, 2014

CPR Assignment


The way Mary opened her speech was almost invitational to a conversation. She seemed very candid about the way she was presenting her speech that it practically opened a door into her family's life and the life of her brother. The immediate juxtaposition of Andrew and Eddy to each other (serious academic vs. troublemaker) instantly drew a connection between Eddy and the audience; nearly everyone has known a class clown or has that one friend that always seems to get in trouble. Right from the get-go I could relate to Mary's tribute. 


For some, it is not important to know what your plan in life is.
For some, living in the moment is good enough.
For some, this is the only way to find their calling.
For some, all that needs to be done is live life and wait.
For some, it's about forging your own path.
For some, there needs to be a higher calling.
For some, they answer it.
Within this group of unique individuals, we find Eddy.


The moments of effectiveness were definitely how easy Mary was to relate to. She made her family seem so real and each individual in her family feel like people we have all known. Mary's conversational tone also made it easier to get involved in her tribute. The way she clearly laid out Eddy's train of thought helped with the audience's following of his growth as an individual as well. 

A moment of distraction in Mary's tribute was an inconsistent tone. When she would tell anecdotes or asides about her brother that got into detail, you could see her imagine these moments and relive her experience with her brother and with that her face would light up and it was impossible not to relate to her or engage during these moments. However, when she would go back to explaining the overarching timeline of her tribute, she would draw back the emotion a little bit into a less energetic tone. 


Alexander suggests using a CPR as an evaluation because it is much more personal than just a standard rubric. It's also a much more involved method of grading a speaker. Instead of just ticking off boxes as the speaker gives their speech, the CPR requires involvement from the evaluator in order to really listen and take in the information being presented. Overall it's a more effective and involved process of evaluation/critique than a standard rubric.

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